
A Small College Might be the Right Choice for You

How College Admissions Assistance Can Help You Get Into the School of Your Dreams

Every year, millions of students across the world aspire to attend their dream college or university. However, the college admissions process can be overwhelming, confusing, and stressful, especially if you don't have adequate guidance and support. Fortunately, professional college admissions assistance services are available to help you navigate the complex process and increase your chances of admission. This article explores how college admissions assistance can help you get into the school of your dreams. Read More 

How To Find The Best Online Colleges For Military Members

Military members have unique circumstances that can make pursuing a college degree challenging. Luckily, there are a plethora of online colleges that cater to the needs of military students. How do you choose which one to attend? This blog will provide you with the information you need to help you find the best college to attend as a military member, spouse, or dependent.  Military Friendly  A company called "Military Friendly" used public data sources and the results of a private survey to evaluate the military friendliness of 1,800 universities. Read More 

3 Reasons Military Personnel Should Attend an Online College for Military

When you are in the military, earning a college education can be helpful for increasing your rank or securing different types of employment within the military. Regardless of your current military status, it is often advantageous to attend an online college that is military-friendly. Here are three reasons you should consider attending an online college. 1. Better Flexibility Whether you are active duty or a reservist, you need optimal flexibility when pursuing your education. Read More 

Interesting Career Paths You Can Take With A Degree In Cosmetology

Graduate with a degree in cosmetology and you may think that you have in your hands a one-way ticket straight to a hair salon for employment. What you may not know is that holding a certification in cosmetology says a great deal about your skills and achieving this accomplishment has opened up many doors of possibility in the world of employment. There are many interesting career paths that you can take once you have earned your cosmetology license, and they are far more interesting than standing in a salon all day where the pay may not be that great and long hours are to be expected. Read More 

A Basic Guide For Becoming An Emergency Medical Technician

If you want to help people and make a decent living while doing it, there are few more exciting paths than being an Emergency Medical Technician, commonly referred to as an EMT. As an EMT, you are one of the first medical personnel on the scene when someone is having a serious health issue, and you have the responsibility of getting them to a medical center where they can be more fully treated. Read More 

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A Small College Might be the Right Choice for You

Large universities can be like small towns in that they draw tens of thousands of students to huge campuses. There are definitely benefits to a large college that offers a variety of experiences and the chance to meet new people daily. However a huge college is not right for everyone. My name is Anna, and I dropped out of a huge university because I felt overwhelmed and out of place. At first I thought that college simply wasn't for me, but then I realized that I could attend a small college and get the individual education I needed without the stress of a crowd. Is a small college for you? Let's explore it together.